Invisible Workforce to Key Workers: Why the Living Wage Matters More Now Than Ever 

Invisible Workforce to Key Workers: Why the Living Wage Matters More Now Than Ever 

At this year’s Cleaning Show, Charlie Mowat (CEO & Founder of The Clean Space) joined The Living Wage Foundation to talk on the topic: Invisible Workforce to Key Workers: Why the Living Wage Matters More Now Than Ever 

With paying fairly and treating our cleaners with respect at the core of our business ethos since day one, Charlie has always actively promoted and support the Living Wage Foundation. We continually strive to convert more and more of our contracts to Living Wage rates where possible. We see day in day out the impact it has on moral and loyalty among our cleaning teams.

As a long standing Recognised Service Provider (RSP), Charlie shared with the show’s audience our experiences of what it takes to be a RSP, the benefits to the business as well as sharing first hand what receiving Living Wage means to our cleaning teams.

What Being a Living Wage Recognised Service Provider Really Means

An Accreditation as a Recognised Service Provider has three formal commitments:

  1. To pay all people not working on customer sites the Real Living Wage
  2. To always submit a bid at Real Living Wage rates alongside any bids below those rate
  3. To submit annual performance metrics to the Foundation

The real commitment however, is to:

Do our best to increase the number of customers who pay the Real Living Wage.

Being a RSP is clear and straightforward to implement. The changes you would need to make are simple and the Foundation provides good support in terms of sales assets and tools like case studies and research. Compliance and progress is measured with regular auditing.

Why We Are Recognised Service Providers & Support the Living Wage

Benefits of paying Living Wage

It’s in line with our mission and values, ensures our customers get the very best service, reduces staff turnover, reduces the cost of management and helps us attract the best talent in cleaning, motivates our Central Teams, as well as driving their sense of purpose and helps demonstrate our commitment to fair pay and ethics in cleaning to customers.

What the Living Wage Means to Our People [Video Testimonial]

Hear first hand from our cleaning supervisor Rogeria what a difference being paid Living Wage means to her and her team working for an international bank in London:

Today over 55% of our contracts are paid at the Living Wage and our aim is to see 100% of future contracts paid at the real Living Wage! It’s ambitious but we see the positive impact fair pay and rewards (as well as a little gratitude) has on teams who work hard, long, and often really unsociable hours.

Considering Joining the Living Wage Movement?

For any businesses considering becoming a RSP or introducing Living Wage rates to their teams – we highly recommend it. If you have questions, feel free to contact us or speak to the lovely team at the Living Wage Foundation who can help answer any questions you may have.

Picture of The Clean Space

The Clean Space

The Clean Space has been delivering high-quality, value-for-money commercial cleaning services with an unwavering commitment to ethics since 2003. We are one agile and ambitious team united by a common mission and shared values.

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