Taking a trip to the theatre can be quite a high-profile, prestigious occasion for those who want to get dressed up and take in a bit of culture.
Because of this, standards of cleanliness have to understandably be quite high. But what goes into cleaning a theatre? Melissa Thomas, Marketing Coordinator at The Clean Space spoke to Regional Operations Manager April Collingwood about how to manage cleaning up after a night at the theatre.
Melissa Thomas (MT):
I understand you manage the contract of a major theatre in Central London. Take me through your average day.
April Collingwood (AC):
We have different teams of front-of-house cleaning staff working throughout the day to ensure that the theatre is always suitably clean and tidy for the public, staff and actors.
One of our teams starts at 6am. First they clean the ground floor’s bar area, then we clean the box office., floor, toilets, walls and skirting in time for the theatre’s 8am opening for breakfast.
Our second team starts when the doors open at 8am.